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03 August 2023
Twitter “X” Sign Taken Down Amid Backlash

Twitter “X” Sign Taken Down Amid Backlash

Workers removed a flashing "X" sign from Twitter's San Francisco headquarters on Monday, just days after it was installed as part of the company's rebranding by Elon Musk.

The old Twitter logo featuring a bluebird was taken down last week after Musk announced the change to "X" on July 24th. However, the company lacked proper permits for altering the signage.

San Francisco's Department of Building Inspection filed a complaint Friday stating the "X" was installed without a permit. Inspectors returned Saturday and Monday but were denied access, though on Monday they witnessed the sign being dismantled.

The company had cited the "X" as temporary signage for an event to avoid needing a permit. But the unauthorized installation and rapid removal of the branding symbolize the haphazard rebranding process under new leadership.

The "X" sign proved short-lived as Twitter yet again ran afoul of local regulations in its rush to revamp its visual identity and markings on its headquarters building.

The inspector reported that by the time they left, the entire "X" structure had been removed, though proper permits were still needed for the takedown.

During the sign's brief installation, some San Francisco residents were frustrated by its flashing lights. Digital journalist Christopher Beale shared videos of the sign sharply strobing, lighting up his home across the street.

Beale described the intersection becoming as bright as lightning flashes due to the sign's pulsing lights. He and his partner had to move rooms in their apartment to avoid the distracting lights disrupting their movie-watching.

The unauthorized and intrusive sign aggravated locals before it was rapidly dismantled. Its removal came too late to avoid backlash from fed-up residents affected by the disruptive lighting effects. The "X" symbolized a rash rebranding process with little regard for regulations or community impact.

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