In the heart of Memphis, an unexpected yet delightful friendship is blossoming between two of the Grizzlies’ roster members: superstar Ja Morant and rookie sensation Yuki Kawamura. Their dynamic, characterized by humor and camaraderie, has quickly become a source of entertainment for teammates and fans alike.
From the moment they met, the two players clicked, developing a unique handshake within just one day. This playful bond has been a source of amusement for their teammates. As Jay Huff puts it, “It’s so funny to see that unfold.” Brandon Clarke echoes this sentiment, describing them as “two little buddies” whose relationship feels like “two sides colliding.”
One of the most charming aspects of their friendship is the way it transcends cultural and language barriers. Kawamura is currently learning English, and Morant has become both a mentor and a source of comic relief. Morant recalls the challenges of communication, laughing as Kawamura shares new gestures and slang he’s picked up. For instance, Kawamura’s attempts at the “raising the roof” gesture, often misapplied, have become a lighthearted topic among the players.
Morant jokingly notes, “A lot of stuff he learns and he just says it at the wrong moment… but hey man, it’s Yuki. It’s his world and we’re just living in it.” This playful banter exemplifies the joy they find in each other’s company.
Kawamura has also adopted John Cena’s famous “you can’t see me” gesture, which he performs after sinking three-pointers. However, as Morant points out, they need to keep an eye on what Kawamura says to ensure he doesn’t inadvertently use any inappropriate slang.
Morant recognizes the positive impact Kawamura has on the team. “He just brings a light and joy to the team,” he said, emphasizing the importance of making sure Kawamura feels comfortable being himself. This inclusive atmosphere not only fosters personal connections but also contributes to their collective goal of winning.
As the Grizzlies navigate the challenges of the season, the bond between Kawamura and Morant serves as a reminder of the power of friendship in sports, highlighting how connections can flourish across diverse backgrounds. Their journey together promises to be one of growth, laughter, and unforgettable moments on and off the court.
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